Skywatcher Pro SW 100ED APO 100mm ED Refractor Optical Tube Assembly with ED Refractor Design, 900mm Focal Length Product Description:
Product Description
The Skywatcher Pro SW 100ED APO 100mm ED Refractor Telescope is manufactured using only the finest fabrication materials available for painstakingly rigorous, exacting standards of optical and mechanical quality to insure the amateur astronomer peak performance and a great experience each and every time a Skywatcher ED-APO is taken into the field. Turning the telescope to the first quarter Moon, the Apennine Mountains snap into focus revealing a cornucopia of jagged mountain ridges, canyons and numerous small craters in razor-sharp detail. Not far removed, reaching skyward the crater wall of Archimedes pops into view in bold relief against the smooth flatlands that transverse the distance between it and the Apennine Mountains. This is lunar observing at its best - HD style. The gas giant Jupiter displays its swirling equatorial bands in high-definition with festoons and tonality within the bands. The great spot is clearly visible, discreetly contrasted from the surrounding Jovian landscape. Saturn's storied surface phenomenon is simply stunning. Hunt down double stars like Epsilon Lyrae, the "double-double" in Lyra. A 100mm refractor will provide a crisp well defined image superior to even a larger reflector. Always a star-party favorite, Alberio located in the tail of Cygnus never fails to please as it is a beautiful double. Alberio appears like a gold sparkler and its companion looks blue-green. It is a perfect refractor object. Compact globular star cluster
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